Bottom of the Deck – 2022/10/20

Okay, second consecutive week blogging; that’s a good sign, let’s gooooo!

So, some of you may have seen the new comics that were uploaded yesterday; you’re probably wondering “What is this? A new series? What about the Showcase? Are you really abandoning it again?!”

Fret not, you bunch of cards; the Showcase is not over, I’m still hard at work on the current story, and others besides. However, due to the time and effort required to get full comic pages done, alongside the day job, I don’t want to push myself to crazy extremes and burn myself out again.

As such, I have decided that Fifth Ace Showcase uploads will only return in November. Which means we’ll be back from Monday 7th, and rounding off the current Agents of A.R.M.O.R. story by the end of the month. This will allow me to build up a buffer, and not sacrifice quality to rush the pages out.

But what to do for the rest of October? Let the site lay quiet with nothing happening but the weekly blog post? Perish the thought! Instead, in order to keep a little traffic flowing on Wednesdays, I’ve decided to upload something smaller, simpler, and quicker to create that I can reliably put out every week. Hence the new comic strip, Magic Beans!

I’ve had this idea kicking around for a while, and I’ve got several strips drawn and ready to go; I’ve uploaded the first three in order to introduce all the primary characters, and give you a little taste of the humour that is to come. Once the Showcase starts up again, Magic Beans will continue to run, a little extra nugget of content alongside the main stuff for you all to enjoy.

In addition to this, over the next few weeks, I want to add another gallery or two to the site, featuring some of the other stuff that I get up to in my spare time; I’ve got several projects that have been on the back burner for a long time, and while progress on them is still slow and sporadic, I’d like to show you what I’ve got going on. This will include stuff relating to animation, character design, traditional mediums, fan art, writing etc. Yeah, I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head.

Any other new galleries that show up will also be updated sporadically; I don’t want to throw everything at you if there’s a chance they won’t stick, but eventually (next year, maybe?) I hope to be uploading something every day of the week, even if it’s just a doodle of some kind. Again, don’t expect it all to start churning out tomorrow or anything; this is just a direction I’m starting to vaguely saunter towards.

That’s all for this week; I hope that you enjoy Magic Beans, keep an eye out for the Showcase next month, and I’ll have some more stuff for you on here soon.

Ciao for now.

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