So much for recovery time, I think this past week has seen me the most tired I’ve been in a while; beware the Ides of March and all that…
I don’t want to blame all of my fatigue on the new kitten, but I can’t deny he’s been a contributing factor. Sparrow is a very energetic little guy, especially in the evening when we want to go to bed, so we’re often up an extra hour or so just to let him burn off steam. It might not sound like much, but you start to miss that extra hour of sleep when it’s not there. Silver is also being slow to warm up to him; she’s either perpetually grumpy with us, or hissing at Sparrow whenever he gets close. If we’re going to get these two used to each other, and let Sparrow explore without climbing every surface in our two-room rental, we’re going to need more space; Sparrow’s arrival might have even expedited something on that front…
I mentioned earlier in the year that we’ve been looking into a new place to live, and we might be on the cusp of finding one at last. I don’t want to jinx anything, but a very nice house showed up on our radar, and although it already has an offer on it, we’re not out of the running yet. We’ll hopefully know by the end of the week if we have a shot; put out some positive thoughts for us, we could do with all the help we can get.
It’s funny to think about moving again; we’ve been comfortable in our little space for a while now. We moved in shortly after the initial pandemic lockdowns started to alleviate, and though the space couldn’t grow, we’ve made good use of what little there is to fill up both the space, and our lives. It’s especially odd to think about how much I’ve moved about in the latest phase of my life. Growing up, I lived in the same place until I was in my mid-twenties; the same city, the same house, the same room for twenty six years, before moving across the country for study and work. Since then, I’ve lived in various different spaces: a friend’s spare room, a hole-in-the-wall by the beach, an inner-city apartment, a semi-detached in yet another city, back in my old room at my parent’s house, my future in-laws’ spare room, and finally our current space. All in all, I’ve changed living quarters on an average of about once per year since 2016. For someone who prefers a reasonably sedentary lifestyle, I don’t think I ever pictured myself moving around so much.
Where we are now has been home for nearly three years, which is the longest I’ve stayed in one place since leaving my hometown; I’ve enjoyed it, appreciated it, but it really has become far too small for our little family. We need room to breathe, to craft, to grow; we are becoming stifled by our lack of space, and it’s only a matter of time before we start to get resentful of it. I can only hope against hope that we can cinch this new house, because we need it now more than ever.
Will let you all know next week if we missed out or not.
Ciao for now.