I’m writing this up a few days in advance, because I’m planning on uploading this early in the morning, and I won’t have time to do it before heading out to the first day of ComicCon Cape Town!
Due to a combination of illness, intermittent electrical problems and malfunctioning wi-fi, to say that this past week was “a lot” is a bit of an understatement; I barely felt like we had a weekend up until the last 8 hours of Sunday. Fortunately, we seem to have our business together, and we’re going to be making the most of the long weekend by making it the best convention we possibly can.
Also, since Monday is a public holiday, the Fifth Ace Showcase will be resuming on Wednesday May 3rd, after I have recovered from a post-convention coma.
That’s all I’m going to say for this week, I’ll let you know next time how it all went; if you’re one of the lucky people who managed to get a ticket to ComicCon before they all sold out, come swing by The Dragon Wagon over in The Block and check out our wide variety of dice!
Ciao for now.