Bottom of the Deck – 2023/05/25

You may have noticed last week’s blog is missing; I was informed that it may compromise our agents in the field, so it has been annulled for the sake of national security.

Real talk time: I’ve not been doing so well lately. I’ve been frustrated at the day job, stifled in my living space, stressed out socially, blocked creatively, and just all around exhausted. Individually, these problems would be nothing new, but they’re each building pressure from a different angle, and it’s really starting to get me down. All of this pressure could be released if we could just move to a new home, but there is literally nothing we can do about that except wait for the people who are in control of that situation to actually do something, and good luck to that happening anytime soon; we’ll be lucky if we get to move out before the end of the year at this rate.

I’ll be reiterating all of this to my therapist at some point; I’m currently organising my first therapy session in almost 18 months. Therapy has helped me a lot in the past; I started in 2019, back when my living situation was simultaneously better and yet so much worse than it is now. I won’t say that I’ve backslid to where I was, but I’d rather avoid letting myself go that far down again; I have more responsibilities that I did before, and I can’t afford to slip up now.

Speaking of which, the Fifth Ace Showcase is still on track to resume on the 5th of June, barring any major upheavals, like, say, moving to a new house (I can still dream). I’ve been trying to keep my creativity sharp by doodling in my spare time at work, mostly characters from my Twitter neighbour MakeMineAmalgam and his Fodderverse line of custom action figures. It’s low pressure fanart with no deadline i.e. quick and simple to produce with little to no judgement involved; he likes the fact that I draw his characters, and I enjoy drawing them, so win-win.

Also, kitten update: Sparrow is getting big; I swear he’s twice the size he was when I brought him home, and he’s absolutely full of beans. He’s been keeping us up at night by bolting around the place and trying to climb on everything; the sooner we can get him more space and a decent sized cat-tree to keep him satisfied, the better (again, that new house would be very nice, universe). Since he’s around the right age for it, we’re looking to get Sparrow neutered in the near future; the last thing we need is him tearing up all our stuff in a fit of heat. At this point, we are more or less committed to keeping him, and every foster home we’ve looked into is full anyway, so we’re in this for the long haul.

That’s all for my angst this week, though if any of it gives the great cosmic consciousness a hint that we would really like to move into a new house very very soon, it was worth it.

Ciao for now.

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