Bottom of the Deck – 2023/09/14

Going to keep this one short; it’s been another one of those weeks…

Once again, it looks like Friday’s Showcase page will be up on Saturday instead; if I get a chance this weekend (unlikely as it may be), I’m going to make a concerted effort to finish as much of the remaining pages as possible, because next week I’m going to have zero time to do anything other than ComicCon prep.

Yup, it’s almost upon us; on Tuesday, we do final packing, Wednesday we fly out, Thursday we set up, and Friday is kickoff! I can tell you now that next week’s Bottom of the Deck is going to be even shorter than this one; it’s going to be a busy time, though I’ll take that kind of busy over the day job any day.

We have our list of things we want to accomplish at ComicCon; there are several celebs that we want photos with, and I always like buying from local creators when their stuff catches my eye. Even better, because we have a larger team to run our stand this year, I may get more of a chance to explore and find new stuff, though knowing me I’d be holding the fort the majority of the time anyway to avoid being crushed by the crowd. Also, I have trust issues.

Also, I think I’m on the verge of leaving Twitter/X behind forever; I’ve finally managed to get onto Bluesky, which has attracted a lot more people in recent times. It won’t be easy, starting over on a new social media, but considering how limited my Twitter presence was anyway, I won’t be any worse off.

Anything else I might be able to add would amount to angst, so I’m going to leave it here for now. I’ll pop back in for a quick post next week before the convention, but other than that, I’ve got work to do.

Ciao for now.

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