I’m going to make this one quick, I’m having too much of a blast to slow down right now.
For the month of March, I’m going to be attempting to cross a box off my 2024 Art Bingo card by completing a 30 Day Art Challenge; I know my previous attempts at such things have failed, but considering how many character portraits I’ve been pumping out lately (I swear I have, you’ll see them soon enough!), I think I may just stand a chance this time. The challenge is the JLX Unlimited Amalgam Character Challenge, i.e. a mouthful; every day sees a member/enemy of the Justice League being melded with one from the X-Men, creating a series of amalgamated characters. I’ve already leapt into the challenge, intent on getting my weekend uploads ready in advance, and maybe even get a head start on some for next week. For those of you who take the time to actually read my blog, congrats! You get to see Saturday and Sunday’s entries in advance, as well as the first one today; check ‘em out:
I swear, those vitamin supplements must be doing wonders for me, I haven’t felt this motivated in ages. Once I’ve gotten another character or two out of my system tonight, I can use tomorrow to finally start catching up on Showcase pages again.
That’s all I’m going to say this time, too much stuff I want to get done. Have a great weekend!
Ciao for now.