Welcome to a very special weekend edition of Bottom of the Deck; it’s two days late because I’ve had to type it one-handed, and I’m not used to hunting-and-pecking, so my words-per-minute are a bit low.
You may have also noticed that the Showcase updates have been uploading rather late in the day. The reason for that is the frequent breaks I’ve been having to take while drawing; I seem to have done something to my shoulder, and it would be the one of my drawing arm. I’ve had an x-ray done; there’s nothing broken or dislocated, so it’s something muscle or tendon related, possibly with some nerve pinching going on. I’ve got myself in a makeshift sling to keep things from stretching/compressing in the wrong way until I can see a specialist next week.
This might lead to subsequent Showcase pages being a bit sporadic for the rest of the month; I’ll try and make sure the story wraps up before July, but I may take a day or two off so that I don’t put undue stress on my arm. In the meantime, I’ll have to restrict myself to writing if I want to be creative; it’ll still be tricky since I’ll only be using my left hand to type. Maybe I’ll pull out a nice, easygoing solo game that doesn’t require a lot of hand/eye coordination to pass the time at home while I watch the kitties.
That really does sum up everything about my past week; there may or may not be more stuff to talk about next time, but for now, I’m going to take it easy for the rest of the weekend.
Ciao for now.