The weekend cannot get here quickly enough; whenever I think that time is passing quickly, it decides to crawl instead, and vice versa. The fact that this is going up a day late should prove that.
My sleep schedule has likely been permanently altered by the ever-nearing arrival of summer. With the sun starting to rise earlier in the morning, our cats are waking up earlier to match it, and subsequently so am I; 4:30 AM is the new standard, and if I had more space, I’d probably use the extra hour for exercising (hahahayeahright). We’ve given up trying to keep Sparrow inside until the sun is fully up, since he’ll climb the curtains and whine until he gets what he wants, so we just let him out as soon as possible; he settles down a lot quicker after he’s had a chance to scope out the neighbourhood before coming back inside for food. Silver doesn’t wander as far, but she’s had to spend the week indoors; she developed an abscess on her shoulder over the weekend, which we think may be linked to whatever pain she was in last week. We’ve been keeping it clean and flushed after the vet lanced and drained it, but to say Silver was mad with us would be like saying the Sun is a little bit hot. At least the vet said we didn’t have to give her any more antibiotic tablets; they were making Silver throw up, which in turn brings up the tablets, and rather defeats the purpose of the whole business. By Saturday, she should be in the clear to go outside again without fear of infection, and her attitude has already been improving a lot.
Scripting for Fifth Ace Showcase #0 has been slow; I may have my shortlist (and I’ve trimmed it down to a lean 24 pages), but deciding how much information to include in each character’s profile is tricky. I want to present something that shows off the intrigue of each character, but I have to be careful as to how many spoilers I can include; there are things about the characters that have yet to be revealed that I want to be plot points further down the road. Heck, most of these characters haven’t even been revealed yet; they’re still waiting for their debut stories down the road, whether those appear in the Showcase or some other hypothetical one-shot that I may or may not write. I want my universe to have a very lived-in feel; there is backstory to all of these characters, because some of them have been around for decades in-universe, and they didn’t spend all those years doing nothing. At the same time, I don’t want to delve too deep into anything that might make for good stories in the issues to come, especially if it seems like there would be a foregone conclusion to those stories; if there’s anything referencing a “historical event” in the timeline, I don’t want the ending of that story to be too obvious, is what I mean.
With all this going on, my fiance had an interview yesterday for a learnership position at her old school, her next step to becoming a student teacher. I knew she would absolutely crush it; she’s been working so hard, and she’s so passionate about the job, they would be fools not to hire her on the spot. We’ll hopefully know the results within a few weeks; maybe if the position is secured, it’ll be the final push needed for things to get into motion regarding our living situation.
That’s about it for updates this week; I’ve got a board game day coming up on Saturday, and we recently acquired a bunch of new games to try out with more people, so I’m keen for that. I’ve also been experimenting with some solo board games that have been waiting for me to find the time; I have plans for those too…
Ciao for now.
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