Fifth Ace Showcase – Cast


  • Real name: Takisha Seddik
  • Powers: Super strength, durability, flight, magic/aura detection
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #1
  • Isis is a scion of the Egyptian gods and the daughter of former hero Horus; though she has yet to come into her full power, she seeks to keep the heroic legacy alive.


  • Real name: Casey Donovan
  • Powers: Unlimited hacking capacity, teleportation, genius level tech savvy
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #1
  • Splitz is a teenage runaway who found a mysterious “Tech Bracer” while dumpster diving; he utilizes the Bracer’s myriad of technological capabilities to uncover the truth of Apex City’s criminal underbelly.


  • Real name: Petra Kronenberg
  • Powers: Energy absorption/redirection, impossible mobility
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #1
  • Kinetica gained her powers in an explosive shockwave caused by a battle between two other Masks; though often held back by anxiety and self-doubt, she uses her powers for good in order to feel worthwhile as a person.


  • Real name: Unknown
  • Powers: Expert in hand-to-hand combat
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #2
  • Martial is the recently recruited sidekick of Conduct, a vigilante that has been operating since the days of the Nadir; not much is known about her, except that she is intensely driven in her mission for justice.


  • Real name: Steven Washington
  • Powers: Enhanced strength and speed from cybernetic limbs
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #2
  • Austin is a recruit of the Authority for the Regulation of Meta-human Oversight and Risk, and leader of Metahuman Response Squad 17; he has trained to join A.R.M.O.R. for most of his life, and his high-tech prostheses make him a valuable field agent.


  • Real name: Alandra Alves
  • Powers: Genius level intellect, strategic mind
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #2
  • Protocol was recruited by A.R.M.O.R. alongside her twin brother Guideline at a young age, quickly becoming a valuable asset for her logical thinking and skill. She does best when avoiding direct confrontation, preferring to observe and support in the field.


  • Real name: Ademir Alves
  • Powers: Genius level intellect, engineering expertise
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #2
  • Guideline has been an A.R.M.O.R. recruit alongside his twin sister since they were young; he soon stood out as a master of robotics and mechanical engineering. He is more impulsive than Protocol, and is quicker to employ innovative weapons of his own design.


  • Real name: Ivan O’Donnell
  • Powers: Employs magical artifacts
  • First appearance: Fifth Ace Showcase #3
  • Wand is the son of The Ghoul King, a villain who rose to prominence in the Nadir, but has not been seen in some time. Wand looks to restore his family name by recovering The Ghoul King’s magical tools and using them for a better cause.