This is it, this is officially it!
It has been a long time coming, but Fifth Ace Comics is finally in the form it was meant to be for nearly 10 years! Well, more or less, there may be some more set dressing going up in the coming weeks, but you get the idea…
Here you will find all the series, that fall under the banner of Fifth Ace Comics. This includes Fifth Ace’s first webcomic, Elements of Eve, which will not only be uploaded in its entirety, but will be continuing from where it left off all those years ago.
In addition, a slew of new stories is on the way, in the form of the Fifth Ace Showcase, featuring a 12-page tale every month that will introduce a stable of new characters to fill out the Fifth Ace universe. These new characters will form the foundation of future one-shots and ongoing series, and I cannot wait to share them with you.
So welcome, one and all!
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